From the moment the three of them jumped out of their car, I knew this family was going to rock their session.
We started our session on a beautiful overcast Sunday afternoon in a small suburban neighborhood in the Central Valley.
The gorgeous family of three, DD (beautiful brunette mommy), Lindsey (radiant blonde mommy), and JJ (adorable son) were positioned on the town walking trail, moisture in the air and the smell of previous rain lingering within the nature surrounding us.
Lindsey was enthusiastic and eager to dive into our session as this will be the first family photo session in 5 years. No pressure, right?!
I was over the moon and humbled they chose me to capture their beautiful family moments.
We started shooting at golden hour, the sky was beaming behind them, lighting up with a magnificent azure and gold dramatic combination.
Pose after pose, the three of them went with the flow and really aced every crazy, awkward pose I threw their way!
Shooting on the end of the neighborhood trail, we spot a beautiful midnight black kitten, who patiently and cautiously watches us work. Then joins 1 more, and 2 more, and more, until we are surrounded by the fluffiest, most beautiful little cats!
I am a total cat person (I may have tried to convince my sweet sweet clients to take a kitten or two home), so I definitely won’t forget my joyful clients and our kitty trail journey anytime soon!
Watching these two moms love on JJ (a name VERY easy to remember if you have a toddler and Netflix), was such a blessing. JJ was such a kind and polite little boy, I really enjoyed getting to capture his personality.
My go with the flow clients were being drug down around town while I captured every angle and backdrop we came across to capture the outstanding sky and take full advantage of the overcast day.
I listened to sweet DD tell about her move across the United States and all of the little things she misses about home. It got me thinking about that word, home. Coming from the Southern California desert, where it was 116 degrees out when we took off on our move to the Bay Area, I learned firsthand that even if your home isn't the ideal place you'd like to settle down, you will always miss the place you grew up and where your people are.
From my adorable clients who were down for anything, to our crazy cat encounter, to reminiscing about home, I'd have to say this was a perfect shoot to end the week.